Causes and treatment of impotence in men after 50 years

Erectile dysfunction implies a multifactorial psychosomatic syndrome that occurs in men at any age, described by typical symptoms of a decrease in the quality of an erection necessary to satisfy sexual desire.

Impotence in men after age 50 can be an indicator of many organ dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction significantly reduces a man's quality of life.

Impotence is understood as the inability to achieve a full and stable erection, the inability to maintain it and ensure successful sexual intercourse. The concept of "impotence" is considered obsolete, however it continues to be used in everyday life to this day and does not lose its relevance.

In urological practice, it is customary to use the term "erectile dysfunction".

Among men after the age of 50, the frequency of reduction in potency reaches 25%. Complaints related to erectile dysfunction peak in the sixth decade.

Causes of low potency and impotence at age 50

low power after 50 how to increase

Male potency after 50 years weakens for many reasons. Accumulated health problems make themselves felt not only by manifestations of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, joints, but also by problems in the functioning of the reproductive system.

The main causes of reduced potency in men over 50 are vascular pathologies, psychological disorders and diseases of the nervous system. Also, in men over 50, prostate adenoma is often considered to be the cause of erectile dysfunction.

According to international studies, there are several main causes of impotence in older men:

  1. Vascular: atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, impaired fat metabolism (increased cholesterol levels, low density lipoproteins, high atherogenic index). These vascular factors lead to the pathological functioning of the cavernous sinuses of the penis, narrowings are formed in the arteries and veins that prevent normal blood filling, which prevents erection. For normal potency in men, expansion of the veins of the cavernous bodies of the penis is necessary, which is impossible with vascular pathology, determined by elevated blood pressure, atherosclerotic plaques in the abdominal aorta. Progressive varicose disease affecting the vessels of the small pelvis also leads to impotence in men over the age of 50.
  2. Neurogenic: central and peripheral. The central ones include parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, cerebral infarction, epilepsy. Peripherals include pathologies of the nervous system caused by other diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, polyneuropathy. These diseases lead to a gradual disruption of the trophism of the tissues of the genital organs, degenerative processes in the nerve fibers.
  3. Urological: prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis.
  4. Iatrogen, due to the provision of medical care: damage to the nerves of the rectum, testicles, prostate, bladder during surgery.
  5. Traumatic: pelvic injuries, damage to the genital arteries, urethra, spinal cord, fractures of the pelvic bones.
  6. Endocrine: obesity, insufficient or excessive thyroid function, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome).
  7. Medicines: taking drugs that reduce blood pressure, restore heart rhythm, diuretics, antidepressants, antiallergics, tranquilizers, antiandrogens, some hormonal agents (estrogens, analogues and antagonists of pituitary hormone-releasing hormones, antiandrogens).
  8. Anatomical, i. e. , anomalies or diseases of the penis: Peyronie's disease, hypo and epispadias, penile fracture, severe penile curvature.
  9. Psychological - violation of sexual arousal, due to two types of provoking factors. The generalized type means a complete lack of libido, a violation of intimacy in a relationship. Situational type implies a pronounced effect of stress on a man's body, personal relationships with a partner. Situational impotence, as a rule, is not a pathology and requires the solution of personal problems, after which erectile function is restored.

As a result of sexual arousal, a nerve impulse along the reflex arc connections of a healthy man leads to a stable erection. This process is based on the release of nitric oxide, the source of which is the cells of the inner lining of the blood vessels of the penis.

For an erection to arise and continue, the nerve impulse must reach the smooth muscle cells that make up the vessels in the penis. As a result, nerve endings interact with the endothelium (the inner layer of blood vessels) and nitric oxide is released.

In turn, nitric oxide activates an enzyme that promotes the release of calcium ions from cells. The smooth muscle cells relax and an erection occurs.

Full functioning of the reflex arc, which provides normal power, is possible only if the healthy state of its connections is preserved: nerves, blood vessels, endocrine glands.

The pathogenesis of potency disorders in men over the age of 50 is associated with a decrease in the release of nitric oxide by the cells of the vessels of the penis. As a result, the cascade of reactions that provide a full erection is disrupted.

Many organs and systems are involved in the stabilization process of normal potency in a 50-year-old man. A series of diseases that an adult man in his sixties encounters inevitably leads to the defeat of one of the links in the reflex arc that provides power.

Almost all men experience episodes of impotence by the age of 50, however, depending on the severity of the dysfunction of various organs and systems, erectile dysfunction can be situational (temporary) or persistent.


Persistent impotence in a 50-year-old man requires a systematic and integrated approach to treatment. A one-sided approach to the treatment of impotence leads to a temporary improvement in the situation.

Impotence Diagnosis

See a doctor to increase potency after age 50

Not all men turn to a urologist and sex therapist to solve potency problems. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex use folk remedies or independently purchase folk remedies at the pharmacy to improve potency.

The complete diagnosis of impotence in men over the age of 50 consists of the following steps:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis, including transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, pharmacodopplerography of the vessels of the penis;
  • visual test of erotic stimulation;
  • monitoring of penile tumescences, even at night;
  • palpation of the prostate through the rectum;
  • cavernosography, spongiosography;
  • CT and MRI;
  • study of the functions of the endothelium of the vessels of the penis (coronary angiography with acetylcholine, study of the flow-dependent expansion of the brachial artery in a sample with its narrowing, laser Doppler flowmetry, study of the tone of peripheral arteries);
  • biochemical blood test, glucose tolerance test, evaluation of the blood lipid spectrum;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • blood test for hormones (male and female sex, thyroid and adrenal hormones);
  • blood test for prostate specific antigen;
  • studies of the heart and blood vessels (veloEKG, ultrasound).

An important point in diagnosing the root causes of impotence in men over 50 is the consultation of a sexologist and psychologist. In addition, tests are widely used to determine the pathology of potency, which are widely available on the net, for example, ICEF.

How to increase potency after 50

taking drugs to increase potency after the age of 50

Treatment of impotence in men after 50 years of age in the vast majority of cases is carried out by a conservative method, including drug therapy and the intervention of a psychologist.

First of all, for the successful treatment of impotence in men of mature age, it is necessary to cure or restore as much as possible the pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, the endocrine system, diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder and prostate gland .

Potency in men at the age of 50 without chronic pathologies of internal organs can be corrected by folk means - phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE).

PDE inhibitors in male sexual pathology are the most effective and fast-acting drugs. These include funds based on:

  • vardenafil - the duration of the effect is 5-12 hours;
  • sildenafil - duration of action 4 hours;
  • tadalafil - duration of action 36 hours.

Medicines are used one hour (half an hour) before sexual intercourse. You should know that for the formation of an erection when taking the funds of this group, it is necessary to have minimal arousal. The dosage averages 50 mg, but can be reduced to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg at a time.

However, such drugs have a fairly wide range of side effects on the lungs and heart, since the drug acts not only on the endothelium of the vessels of the penis.

An increase in potency in men after 50 years with the help of PDE inhibitors is achieved by affecting the main mechanism of the pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction - an increase in the concentration of nitric oxide. In addition to this group of agents, NO-synthase activators are used to increase the nitric oxide content.

Many men are concerned if alcohol can be used to relax and increase the chances of a stable erection, how to increase potency after age 50 with the help of drugs and if they can be combined with alcohol.

If a man does not abuse alcohol, does not suffer from severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, folk means of increasing potency can be taken together with alcohol.

In addition to PDE inhibitors, popular treatments for impotence include:

  1. Testosterone means. Restoration of potency in men after 50-60 years, when testosterone production by the testicles is reduced, preparations of male sex hormones can be used.
  2. Prostaglandins, which are injections given into the tissues of the penis. Means improves blood flow, normalizes blood filling of veins and arteries.
  3. Alpha-blockers, the action of which is based on the expansion of the vessels of the penis and small pelvis.

Potency can be increased in combination with folk remedies such as Eleutherococcus, Ginseng, Aralia, pumpkin seeds, nuts, celery, honey, ginger. In addition, food supplements are widely used.

Since it is rather difficult to improve potency after 50 years in the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to additionally use physiotherapeutic methods, in particular acupuncture, electrophoresis.

Potency can also be increased by mechanical means, in particular by using a vacuum penis pump.

Important in the treatment of impotence is the fight against obesity and alcohol addiction.

As you know, fat cells in a man's body are considered a source of the female sex hormone, which disrupts the hormonal balance, leading to prostate disease and sexual dysfunction. The source of natural estrogen is beer. A man over 50 should drink beer no more than once a week.

It is necessary to lose weight gradually, losing no more than 5 kg per month. Moderate exercise and diet is recommended. Intense, spontaneous and abrupt exercises in the gym will not lead to the restoration of power, but will only aggravate the situation.

A dosed approach to dynamic loads, nutritional correction will allow you to defeat impotence without harming the body.